Uisgneabhal Mor, Isle of Harris

We left my car in the parking area on the single track B887 Tarbert to Huisinis Road at the bridge over the Abhainn Mhiabhaig and walked along the road to beyond a fenced off area.

Start initially along the B887
Start initially along the B887
Uisgneabhal Mor
Uisgneabhal Mor

From there we climbed east onto the south-west/south ridge of Uisgneabhal Mor.

Loch Mhiabhaig and Isle of Taransay
Loch Mhiabhaig and Isle of Taransay
Across Gleann Mhiabhaig to Cleiseabhal and Oireabhal
Across Gleann Mhiabhaig to Cleiseabhal and Oireabhal
Glen Mhiabhaig, Oriebhal and Sron Scourst
Glen Mhiabhaig, Oriebhal and Sron Scourst
Loch a' Sair and Ceann Reamhar
Loch a’ Sair and Ceann Reamhar

It was then a steady climb with a couple of undulations to gain the narrow ridge and beyond, the cairn marking the summit of this Graham. Unfortunately just before our arrival cloud engulfed the hill.

After a break here waiting without success for the cloud to clear, we descended north-west initially on grass but soon encountered some rock which required a few awkward moves. By this time the cloud had lifted and it was turning out to be a pleasant afternoon.

We ascended the Sub Dodd, Uisgneabhal Beag, where we took another break this time in the sun.

Looking back to the start
Looking back to the start
Route off Uisgneabhal Mor
Route off Uisgneabhal Mor
Loch a' Sair and Isle of Taransay
Loch a’ Sair and Isle of Taransay
Bidigidh, Oireabhal and Ulabhal
Bidigidh, Oireabhal and Ulabhal
Towards the Isle of Lewis
Towards the Isle of Lewis

Thereafter we descended west through more awkward terrain to reach Gleann Mhiabhaig at the south end of Loch Scourst.

Loch Scourst
Loch Scourst

This was followed by a walk down the glen on an estate track passing several folks heading for the eagle hide.

  • Time taken – 6.25 hours.
  • Distance – 10 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 775 metres.