
The plan was to climb four of the Tyndrum Corbetts on a linear walk using two cars. We parked on the access road leading to Auk Farm and walked north-east up Gleann Achadh-innis Chailein crossing the Allt Coralan via a bridge which replaced the old ford. This track led to the railway underpass where major works were being carried out to refurbish the bridge and probably under Health and Safety laws a chap led us through the fenced off area and onto the start of Glen Coralan.

The track up the glen headed south-east and at the time of our visit couldn’t be used by vehicles as it was blocked by a landslip although easily enough crossed on foot. After over two kilometres we left this vehicle track and commenced the ascent of Beinn a’ Chaisteil. It was a steady climb mainly on grassy vegetation to reach its south-east ridge where the gradient eased. Before reaching the summit cairn we entered the cloud base.

With no views we descended in a north-easterly direction following a fence and encountering the first shower of the day. Lower down we emerged from the cloud and crossed some water logged ground to reach the col, Mam Lorn.

Route to Beinn nam Fuaran
Route to Beinn nam Fuaran

From there it was a fairly steep climb to reach the cairn marking the summit of Beinn nam Fuaran which was clear of the cloud.

Loch Lyon
Loch Lyon

The descent of Beinn nam Fuaran was via its south ridge where we endured a heavy shower. The obvious bend in the Allt a’ Mhaim was reached and here we crossed the stream.

Allt a' Maim and Mam Lorn
Allt a’ Maim and Mam Lorn
Descent route from Beinn nam Fuaran
Descent route from Beinn nam Fuaran
Abhainn Ghlas and Loch Lyon
Abhainn Ghlas and Loch Lyon

The initial ascent of Cam Chreag involved a steady climb then the gradient eased but it seemed to be a bit of a slog to reach the summit cairn.

Summit, Cam Chreag. Beinn Chaorach beyond
Summit, Cam Chreag. Beinn Chaorach beyond
Meall Glas
Meall Glas
Beinn a' Chaisteil. Beinn Dorain beyond
Beinn a’ Chaisteil. Beinn Dorain beyond
Beinn nam Fuaran. Beinn an Dothaidh and Beinn Achaladair beyond
Beinn nam Fuaran. Beinn an Dothaidh and Beinn Achaladair beyond

From Cam Chreag we descended to the col with Beinn Chaorach where a path led part way up the final Corbett before coming to an end. It was then an easy climb onto the north ridge and to Beinn Chaorach’s trig point.

Summit, Beinn Chaorach. Crianlarich Hills beyond
Summit, Beinn Chaorach. Crianlarich Hills beyond
Ben Challum
Ben Challum

The descent of Beinn Chaorach was via its south ridge across short vegetation following wee fence posts which appeared to have previously supported an electric fence. Low down we crossed a barbed wire fence where the vegetation was longer and rougher then onto the vehicle track in Gleann a’ Chlachain. This led to Auchtertyre Farm where we had left a car.

  • Time taken – 9.5 hours.
  • Distance – 19.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1600 metres.