Tumps South of Forres

Newtyle Hill – This Tump was located south of Forres and east of the A940 Forres to Dava Road. My starting point was Phorp Farm at the end of a minor public road although I was actually able to drive a short distance along the vehicle track that led to Easter Brylack, parking beside the gate giving access to Newtyle Forest.

I walked east along the forest track then north along a works track which led to an area of mature firs that had been thinned out.  There were a few pools of water in particular when crossing other tracks created during this thinning process. The summit of Newtyle Hill was within this area and at the side of the track but I couldn’t say which side.

The return was by the approach route.

Romach Hill – It was a short drive back down the Phorp Road to just north of the access track to the new house at Bylack where I left my car. I then continued on foot along the public road to the access track for Burntack Farm, the track being icy in places. This led to a gate and beyond, a junction of forest tracks. I went right, south, this track later turning east then north-east, with sections covered in snow and ice. This took me towards the summit of Romach Hill, where the trees had been harvested. I left the track and walked through some rough ground and brash to the grid reference given for the summit of this Tump, which was near some upright trees. As the summit area was fairly flat and covered in piles of brash it was impossible to say where the highest point was.

I then retraced my route.

Doune of Relugas – I parked at the north side of the B9007 Carrbridge Road south of the bridge over the River Divie and west of the A940 Forres to Dava Road. I crossed the road and walked along an old vehicle track but it soon came to an end below a house. I climbed a steep embankment onto a grassy track locating a path that wound its way onto Doune of Relugas and its old fort. Here I visited a couple of points but a small knoll within the fort appeared to be the highest point of this Tump.

The return was via the path through the trees, with a couple of steeper sections, and emerged onto the B9007 beside the bridge and just east of my starting point.

  • Total time – 2 hours.
  • Total distance – 7.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 220 metres.