Tumps, An Carn and Creag nan Garadh

An Carn – I arrived at my accommodation In Lochalsh mid afternoon so there was time to climb a couple of smaller hills. The first one was on the minor Erbusaig to Drumbuie Road north of Kyle of Lochalsh.

An Carn
An Carn

I parked on the verge near the highpoint on this road, walked through some heather, grasses and bog, over a small knoll, and to the cairn marking the summit of the Tump, An Carn.

Beinn na Caillich, Skye, in the distance
Beinn na Caillich, Skye, in the distance
Inner Sound and the Cuillin, Isle of Skye
Inner Sound and the Cuillin, Isle of Skye
Inner Sound, Isle of Scalpay and Skye
Inner Sound, Isle of Scalpay and Skye
Crowlin Islands. Isle of Raasay beyond
Crowlin Islands. Isle of Raasay beyond
Caolas Mor and the Applecross Peninsula
Caolas Mor and the Applecross Peninsula
Lochs Carron and Kishorn with Applecross Peninsula beyond
Lochs Carron and Kishorn with Applecross Peninsula beyond
Drumbuie. Loch Kishorn beyond
Drumbuie. Loch Kishorn beyond
Coire a' Mhuilt
Coire a’ Mhuilt

I then retraced my route back to the car.

Creag nan Garadh – I left my vehicle beside a pedestrian gate on the north side of the minor Plockton to Achmore Road which ran through Strathie. (NG804325)

Creag nan Garadh
Creag nan Garadh

I then passed through this gate but beyond it the ground was a quagmire having been churned up by cattle. Once I found a route across this area I headed north through some trees on what at one time may have been a path but was now a muddy cattle trod. I later headed west, still on cattle paths, through heather, some small trees, mud and stone. I visited two rocky knolls but was unable to say which large outcrop was the highest point of the Tump, Creag nan Garadh.

Lochs Carron and Kishorn and Applecross Hills
Lochs Carron and Kishorn and Applecross Hills
Loch Carron
Loch Carron
Carn a' Bhealaich Mhoir
Carn a’ Bhealaich Mhoir
Auchtertyre Hill
Auchtertyre Hill

The return was by the upward route without spotting any cattle. I did see them a couple of times later that week while driving past.

  • Total time taken – 1 hour.
  • Total distance – 1.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 90 metres.