Tump, Carn Mor, West of Aviemore

I left my car off road on the north side of Old Meall Road in Aviemore, part of the new housing complex on the west side of the A9. I then headed west into the woodland where I located a forest track and followed it north before joining a track going west. Later I came to another junction where I left the forest track and ascended north-west on a track created by work vehicles when thinning the trees.

There was a bit of brash on the track which came to an end just before a deer fence covered in orange plastic netting to protect the bird life. This made the crossing awkward as the spaces in the netting were too small to take a boot. Once on the other side I continued north-west later turning north as I worked my way through the well spaced trees and the vegetation, mainly longish heather.

Later I emerged from the trees and after a slightly steeper section through heather I arrived on the summit of Carn Mor. The highest point of this Tump appeared to be a large boulder being part of the cairn.

Across the River Spey to Craiggowrie
Across the River Spey to Craiggowrie
Aviemore and Strath Spey
Aviemore and Strath Spey
Creag na h-Iolaire and Carn Dearg Mor
Creag na h-Iolaire and Carn Dearg Mor
Carn Dearg
Carn Dearg
Carn Alvie and Beinn Ghuilbin
Carn Alvie and Beinn Ghuilbin
Strath Spey
Strath Spey

Due to the cloud the views weren’t great so after a break I descended south-west, on short cropped heather with a few stunted trees, to a wide gap in the mature firs. I headed down this gap but it was tough going with long rough vegetation so at times I descended through the trees where the vegetation was shorter. Eventually I reached the muddy track beside the Milton Burn and followed it south-east. There were a few trees blocking the route and at one point I was forced to make a short diversion through wet ground and reeds. The track led to Patterson Place, within the new housing complex west of the A9, then a short walk along a couple of streets to my car.

  • Time taken – 2.5 hours.
  • Distance – 7.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed 355 metres.