Tummel Bridge

I left my car on the east side of the B846 Aberfeldy to Tummel Bridge Road, at the entrance to the vehicle track leading to the Barite Mine, and walked east along this track which took me through the forest on a fairly steady incline. Beyond the trees I entered the low cloud as I continued along the vehicle track on an easier gradient. At a right angle bend in the track (GR NN807547) I left it and headed north across some rough vegetation, avoiding a few peat hags, to climb to the summit of the Graham Top, Ciochan a’ Chop.

I returned to the vehicle track and followed it to below Meall Tairneachan. Immediately to its east I left the vehicle track and made the short ascent to the Sub Simm, Creag an Chanaich. I then headed back to the col with Meall Tairneachan and climbed to its trig point which marked the summit of this Corbett.

I thereafter walked west then south-west across rough ground to reach Meall Tairneachan West Top, another Sub Simm, then over more rough vegetation as I headed west and climbed the Graham Top, Meall Odhar Mor. The descent north took me to a deer fence and beyond it to the edge of the forest which was followed to the vehicle track used earlier in the day. I then returned along this track back to my starting point.

  • Time taken – 3.75 hours.
  • Distance – 10.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 645 metres.