
Druim Mor was located north of Callander the starting point for the ascent of this Tump. I headed along the access road to Bracklin Falls later leaving it and walking up a track then paths to Callander Crags. Once above this point I located a gate in the deer fence giving access to the open hillside. Some wet and tussocky ground was crossed as well as a stock fence via a gate to reach the summit of Druim Mor. I visited a couple of knolls as I was unable to tell which was the highest.

The next Tump was further west. I left my vehicle in the car park on the north side of the A84 at the Pass of Leny and walked north-east then west below Meall Garbh. I later left this path and climbed through trees and into a harvested area where the felled trees had been left lying. It was a struggle clambering over or going underneath them and took me ages to clear this area. A steeper area with fewer trees and some rocks was reached then I was at the summit which was covered in brash. On the return an easier route was found by descending north-east before swinging round to the south through newly planted trees and brambles.

  • Total time – 2.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 7 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 545 metres.