
I parked at the side of the A821 west of the Brig o’Turk (grid ref. NN522063) and walked north-east along a good forest track. At a junction (grid ref. NN525072) I took a left and headed west below the Tump, Sron Armailte. Around grid ref. NN522071 I left the track and headed up the west side of an old fence over numerous fallen trees which had been blown over. Higher up the gradient increased before easing to cross a muddy dip. It was then a short walk to the summit of Sron Armailte visiting a couple points beside young fir trees as I couldn’t tell which was the highest.

I returned to the track junction and headed north along a forest track to north-east of the Tump, Tom Earraich. Here I left the track and climbed through mature firs with some windblown timber, to a small area of open ground visiting a couple of potential high points. It was then back to the track and the starting point.

  • Total time – 2.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 7 kilometres. 
  • Total height climbed – 535 metres.