
Beinn a’ Chuallaich and Meall na Moine– I parked on the east side of the B847 Trinafour to Kinloch Rannoch Road at GR NN706616 where there was space for a couple of vehicles. From there I crossed the road, passed through a metal deer gate, and followed a vehicle track to a small hut. A path then led to a metal stock gate and the open hillside where the ascent of the Corbett, Beinn a’ Chuallaich, commenced. It was initially a fairly steep climb through bracken and higher up heather before the gradient eased and the ground became boggy in places. Here I was joined by a chap from near Crieff who arrived in the parking area a few minutes after me.

We continued uphill across the rough and boggy vegetation and into the low cloud. It started to rain as we headed onto the north ridge of Beinn a’ Chuallaich then to its trig point and large summit cairn. The chap about turned and headed back by the upward route while I took a break sheltering behind the cairn.

I thereafter descended north and in the wind and rain climbed to the summit of Meall nan Eun (Sub Simm) before descending to the south side of Loch na Caillich where it was less windy. The rain had ceased and the cloud was lifting as I ascended the Graham Top, Meall na Moine. The descent south-east through rough vegetation took me back to the parking area.

Torr Mor – I moved my car south on the B847 to the north-west of Torr Mor, ascended an embankment, went over a stock fence, through some trees and bracken and climbed to the summit of this Tump. The return was by the upward route.

Creagan na Leacainn – From further south on the B847 and to the north-west of Creagan na Leacainn I walked south-east down a vehicle track and climbed its West Top. A short descent east through trees was followed by a climb to the rocky summit of the Tump, Creagan na Leacainn. I then descended west to a vehicle track and followed it back to the start.

Torr nan Earban – From a lay-by on the B846 Tummel Bridge to Kinloch Rannoch Road to the west of Torr nan Earban I briefly walked east along the road before crossing a tied down stock gate. It was then through well spaced trees to reach the summit of this Tump which was located above a large area of rock. The return was by the upward route.

  • Total time – 4.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 11.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 815 metres.