Torr Alvie

I was en-route to a weekend based in Inverness so took a slight diversion onto the B9152 Aviemore to Kingussie Road to climb the Hump, Torr Alvie. I parked near the entrance to the Dalraddy Caravan Site and the private road leading to Kinrara.

Start of walk, road to Kinrara
Start of walk, road to Kinrara

It was sunny and warm when I set off along this private road crossing the railway line then the Speyside Way. Not far beyond this point I left the tarred road taking a left which led through the trees to a field where the gate was open. Thereafter I crossed the field following a vehicle track close to the westerly fence and at the top of the field another gate led back into the woods.

The vehicle track soon took another left and continued to the Duke of Gordon’s Monument the summit of Torr Alvie.

Duke of Gordon's Monument and summit of Torr Alvie
Duke of Gordon’s Monument and summit of Torr Alvie
Across Loch Alvie to Geal-charn Mor
Across Loch Alvie to Geal-charn Mor
Towards Aviemore
Towards Aviemore
Ord Ban
Ord Ban
River Spey
River Spey

After taking a few photographs I returned by the upward route stopping briefly to visit the Waterloo Cairn.

Waterloo Cairn
Waterloo Cairn
Glen Feshie Hills
Glen Feshie Hills
  • Time taken – 1.25 hours.
  • Distance – 3.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 110 metres.