
Hill of Beltie: Parked at the side of the access road to Easter Beltie, south-east of Torphins, and crossed a number of fields, some of rough grazing. I then ascended to the summit of this Tump. The return was by the ascent route.

Ord Fundle: Located south of Torphins I parked at the entrance to a vehicle track just off the B993 south of Mid Beltie and walked west along this track. I crossed a couple of gates and fields then it was over a barbed wire fence to enter the wood. Although the trees were fairly well spaced it was rough going with some windblown timber to avoid especially near the summit of this Tump. The return was by the upward route although I by-passed the upper field by continuing through the trees.

Ord More and Sluie Hill: I parked on the verge of the unclassified Craiglash Quarry Road, south of Torphins, and walked south along a snow and ice covered vehicle track coming across parked harvesting vehicles and piles of timber. Some old and new tracks then led to the summit of the Tump, Ord More.

The descent south-east was along more of these new churned up tracks to reach an old forest track which was crossed before heading to the north side of a small lochan. From here I climbed to a communications tower, passing through a stock gate, then onto a second tower which marked the summit of the Tump, Sluie Hill. I walked round this tower then returned to the lochan and the old vehicle track which led back to the start.

Stot Hill: Parked at the side of the A980 Torphins to Lumphanan Road, and walked briefly along the road then crossed a stock gate and followed a vehicle track to the communications tower. I then walked through some fire breaks, higher up they were snow covered, to reach the open hillside and the trig point marking the summit of this Tump. The return was by the ascent route.

Footie Hill: Parked south-west of Tillyneckle Farm, located south-west of Torphins, and crossed a couple of fields with barbed wire and electric fencing, (may have been switched off) as well as the farm track to Hindrum. It was then through some trees, under a barbed wire fence, and to the summit of the Tump, Footie Hill, which was located within a field. Returned to the Hindrum Farm track then it was down this track to Tillyneckle Farm and back to my car.

  • Total time – 4 hours.
  • Total distance – 10 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 555 metres.