
I parked on an area of rough pasture on the west side of the A836 Alnaharra to Tongue Road just south of Loch Loyal Lodge, which was under renovation. I walked west across the rough grass then through some dead bracken to reach the north bank of the Allt Liath. I then followed this stream through the rough vegetation and across some waterlogged ground towards Coir’ an Eich. Prior to reaching this point I crossed the Allt Liath and ascended Meall Eudainn where a small cairn marked the summit of this Tump.

Across Loch Loyal. The Griams in the distance
Across Loch Loyal. The Griams in the distance

From there I descended west trying to avoid the peat hags then headed up a small grassy gorge between a couple of knolls to gain the south-west ridge of Cnoc nan Cuilean.

Route to Cnoc nan Cuilean
Route to Cnoc nan Cuilean
Cnoc nan Cuilean and Ben Loyal
Cnoc nan Cuilean and Ben Loyal

It was then a fairly steady climb to reach the summit cairn of this Marilyn.

Summit Cnoc nan Cuilean. Ben Loyal beyond
Summit Cnoc nan Cuilean. Ben Loyal beyond
Ben Klibreck, road south and Loch Coulside
Ben Klibreck, road south and Loch Coulside
Ben Loyal and Ben Hiel
Ben Loyal and Ben Hiel
Lochs Craggie and Loyal
Lochs Craggie and Loyal
Loch Loyal and Beinn Stumanadh
Loch Loyal and Beinn Stumanadh

After a late lunch while taking in the views of Ben Loyal I returned down the south-west ridge then turned east aiming for the gap between the twin lochans of Lochan nan Cuilean.

Twin lochans of Lochan nan Cuilean and Meall Eudainn
Twin lochans of Lochan nan Cuilean and Meall Eudainn

There was then a short climb onto Creag nan Cat where I followed some ATV tracks before making a more direct return to my car through a mixture of rough and in places wet vegetation.

I then drove further north on the A836 and parked at the entrance to the landfill site, crossed the road, went through a fence topped with barbed wire, and ascended the Tump, Sithean nan Gearrsaich. The highest point appeared to be close to a stock fence. The return was by the upward route.

Afterwards I headed for the A838 north of Tongue then drove up the tarred road to its end. Here the now rough vehicle track passed through croft ground where it was pertinent to first established that the guard dogs were secure in the house. The vehicle track continued through another stock gate and onto to the open hillside.

Ben Hope
Ben Hope
Ben Loyal
Ben Loyal

My plan was to follow the track to the summit but with daylight fading I left the track and climbed through grass and heather to rejoin the track just east of the communications tower. The cairn marking the summit of the Tump, Ben Tongue, was immediately west of this construction.

Causeway, Kyle of Tongue
Causeway, Kyle of Tongue
Tongue Bay and Ben Hutig
Tongue Bay and Ben Hutig
Tongue Bay and Rabbit Islands
Tongue Bay and Rabbit Islands

I then descended south-west fairly easily across grass and heather to rejoin the vehicle track nearer the stock gate before following the track back to the start.

  • Total time – 3.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 9.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 700 metres.