Todun, Isle of Harris

The Marilyn, Todun, was located to the west of the single track road leading to Reinigeadal which was accessed from the A859 Tarbert to Stornoway Road.

In heavy rain I initially attempted an ascent of Todun from the sheep pens situated between Lochs Mor and Beag but on descending to the stream linking these two lochs it was in spate and impossible to cross.

I returned to my car and drove back north to the parking area above Loch Maraig south-east of Eilean Anabaich.

Loch Seaforth
Loch Seaforth
Start of ascent
Start of ascent

I then set off across the road and some short vegetation to reach another stream which was also in spate but on this occasion I found a crossing point. The route then took me through some long wet vegetation, into the low cloud, and onto Cadhan Dubha, the north ridge of Todun.

I ascended this ridge in a mixture of drizzle and rain. Higher up the ridge narrowed with some rocky sections. The trig point, surrounded by a cairn, was reached and with no views I about turned and descended by the ascent route.

Summit Todun
Summit Todun
  • Time taken – 2.25 hours.
  • Distance – 5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed 445 metres.