The Innses

From Spean Bridge on the A82 a single track road runs east along the south side of the River Spean to Corriechoile. At the time of this visit it was possible to drive south from Corriechoile on a rough vehicle track to just below the forest and the dismantled tramway where there was space for a few vehicles.

We then walked along this track through the forest and into the open glen where it started to rain. A bit of height was gained and at the ford on the Allt Leachdach we left the track and climbed east across some wet then heathery ground to reach the col near the 593 knoll between Cruach Innse and Sgurr Innse. A wet path led to below the steeper section of Sgurr Innse but was drier as it headed through some rocks to the summit of this Corbett.

It was still raining so there was no point in hanging around. We returned to the col and walked along the path to below Cruach Innse where the path became less obvious. The route continued up grass and heather rakes, before the gradient eased and the terrain became stonier. The cairn on the Corbett, Cruach Innse was reached but we also visited a few other points that may have been higher.

The descent north-west was down easy grassy slopes then it was a bit steeper before gaining the vehicle track south of the bridge over the Allt Leachdach. We then returned to the start by the outward route.

  • Time taken – 5 hours.
  • Distance – 12.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 900 metres.