The Cabrach

I headed for The Cabrach on the A941 Rhynie to Dufftown Road then drove west along minor roads parking on the verge beside Aldivalloch Farm. I then walked west to what appeared to be an office but was in fact a renovated cottage with a small parking area for walkers and an information board. After passing through a gate I walked west along a grassy vehicle track then followed a stock fence topped by an electric wire north to a gate.

Beyond I crossed the Burn of Aldivalloch and headed up the edge of a field where the crop appeared to have failed. This led to another stock fence topped by an electric wire where I untied a gate before following the edge of an old stock fence across rough vegetation to the summit of Round Hill. The highest point of this Sub Dodd appeared to be a clump of vegetation.

The low cloud was well down in the area so with limited visibility I headed south-west through the rough vegetation and heather to cross the vehicle track at Dead Wife’s Hillock. The underfoot conditions were a bit easier for a while before deteriorating as I ascended Rounumuck Hill. From there I descended to the col with Cairnbrallan where there were numerous peat hags. It took me a while to negotiate them then I crossed more rough vegetation to reach the summit of the Graham Top, Cairnbrallan, where I visited a couple of potential high points as well as the cairn.

I didn’t fancy retracing my route to Dead Wife’s Hillock so descended west through heather of various lengths but at least the walking was easier. Lower down I emerged from the cloud to reach the ruins at Cairnbrallan. I then walked north along the rough vehicle track on the east side of Black Water to the crossroads where I took a right and climbed east on a vehicle track back into the cloud and to Dead Wife’s Hillock. The track then gradually descended to Aldivalloch Farm.

  • Time taken – 4 hours.
  • Distance 12.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 460 metres.