
I left my vehicle in the car park at Tarfside in Glen Esk and walked south-east along the public road to immediately east of Cairncross Cottage where I left the road and walked north along a vehicle track which led to a house by-passing it to the east. I then followed vehicle tracks to just before Mile Cairn then another one, not shown on my map, to below the west side of Craig Crane. From there a rough vehicle track headed up the north-west ridge through heather to the cairn marking the summit of this Tump.

I didn’t linger here as it was very windy so returned to the track beside Mile Cairn. To the east another vehicle track headed north onto the east ridge of Craig Soales although I cut out a section by crossing some heathery ground. Near the summit of this uncategorised hill an ATV track took me to the cairn and a mound beside an aerial as I couldn’t tell which was highest although getting there was tough in a fierce wind.

Initially it was hard work fighting against the strong wind as I descended north-west along an estate track but once away from the summit the walking became easier. Lower down I cut across a field of rough grazing to the bridge over the Burn of Tennet then followed a vehicle track passed the buildings at Glentennet to below Cairny Hill. I climbed this hill initially using an ATV track and visited a few points which were possible contenders for the summit of this Tump.

It was still very windy so I returned to the bridge over the Burn of Tennet and followed the vehicle track south to Tarfside.

  • Time taken – 4.5 hours.
  • Distance – 16.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 595 metres.