Three Tumps from Strath Nairn

Stormy weather was forecasted so I planned a short day with an ascent of the Tump, Meall Mor, where the majority of the route would be sheltered by trees. I drove to Strath Nairn and parked on the east side of the B851 north-east of Invercarnie beside the entrance to[…]

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Hills South of Strath Nairn

I parked on the verge of the B851 Farr to Errogie Road, just west of the bridge over the River Nairn, and walked south then later south-east along a vehicle track on the east side of the Allt Mor, gradually gaining height. At NH645230 a new vehicle track headed east[…]

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Strath Nairn

I parked my car on the verge on the unclassified road south of Tullich and east of Loch Ruthven in Strath Nairn and walked up the public road to the houses at Tullich. Here a vehicle track heading north led to a stock gate and beyond it I followed a[…]

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Strath Nairn

I parked on the south verge of the B851 Inverness to Fort Augustus Road in Strath Nairn on the west side of the bridge over the River Nairn and walked across the bridge, through a gate then south up the east side of the river on an estate track. I[…]

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Strath Nairn

Dundavie: Parked at the start of the forest track just west of Daviot on the A9 south of Inverness and walked up this track to its highest point. I then left the track and made the short climb to the fence at the edge of a quarry. On crossing this[…]

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