Struy, Strath Glass

Note: The photos are zoomed due to a malfunction. I headed for the hamlet of Struy, on the A831 Beauly to Cannich Road, parking on some rough ground opposite the restaurant there. I walked west then north-west to Struy Lodge and Farm where the Shieling Project operates from. On reaching[…]

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Hills East of Strath Glass

I parked on the grass verge beside the turning circle at the end of the minor road signposted Kinerras and accessed from the unclassified Kiltarlity to Culburnie Road, south-west of Beauly. I then walked south-west along a vehicle track passed Keepers Cottage. Beyond the track was little used and after[…]

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Strath Glass

Carn na Gearraig and Carn nan Gobhar – I parked on the verge of the minor road on the east side of Strath Glass, south of Mauld, accessed from Struy on the A831 Beauly to Cannich Road. I then walked briefly north to The Bothy then between this property and[…]

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Strath Glass

I parked at the start of the little used track on the east side of Strath Glass, north-east of Cannich, and south of Easter Crochail and walked up this track passing through a couple of gates in deer fences, the first was past its best while the second one was[…]

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