Strath Dearn

Accessing the hills to the south-east of Coignascallan, in Strath Dearn, is a bit problematic as it involves a river crossing and potentially wet feet although there is a bridge at Dalmigavie Lodge but it is several kilometres away. I suspected that after a recent dry spell of weather it[…]

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Graham Top, Caimhlin Mor, Strath Dearn

I left my vehicle in the parking area immediately before the end of the public road in Strath Dearn, accessed from Tomatin, south of Inverness. I then walked to the end of the road, and the houses at Coignafearn Old Lodge. Beyond a vehicle track continued along the north-west side[…]

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Strath Dearn June 2021

Sith Mor – I parked beside the bridge over the River Findhorn, west of Coignascallan in Strath Dearn, accessed along the single track road from the village of Tomich, south of Inverness. I then walked across this bridge and along the west side of the Allt Fionndairnich to beyond the[…]

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Corbett and Graham Tops from Strath Dearn

This turned out to be a longer day than planned after I decided to add on a couple of extra Corbett Tops. The starting point was the vehicle track west of Coignascallan Farm in Strath Dearn, accessed from the old A9 south of Tomatin. I walked south along this track[…]

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Strath Dearn

I drove south-west along the single track road on the south side of the River Findhorn in Strath Dearn, accessed from the road south of Tomatin, and parked on the grass east of Knockandoo Farm. I walked along this road passed the farm and to just beyond the house at […]

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Strath Dearn

Carn na Seanalaich, Beinn Bhreac and Carn Choire Odhair: Parked in Strathdearn, east of Auchintoul, accessed from Tomatin south of Inverness, and walked along the minor road to the vehicle track heading north-west. This track led passed a construction site before continuing through the trees later emerging at a gate[…]

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