North and South-West of Lochcarron

Glas Bheinn and Creag na h-Iolaire – I left my vehicle in the car park at Kirkton on the south side of the A896 just east of Lochcarron, crossed the road and walked along a track signposted ‘Kishorn Road via Kirkton Wood’, which took me towards a cottage and the[…]

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West of Lochcarron

Cnoc Lochcarron, Cnoc Loch a’ Choire Leith, The Black Mares Rock and Sithean Uaine – I parked my car beside the cattle grid on the A896 Lochcarron to Shieldaig Road (NG893401) and walked west across pathless vegetation consisting of heather, grass and moss gradually gaining height. I soon reached the[…]

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