East of Loch Ness

Spital of Boleskine – With the forecast for thundery showers in the afternoon I decided on a couple of hills on the east side of Loch Ness north of Foyers. The first one was the Spital of Boleskine so I left my vehicle in the Forestry Scotland car park at[…]

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Hills East of Loch Ness

Carn Liath – The planned starting point for the ascent of this Tump was Wester Aberchalder, to the east of the B862 Errogie to Whitebridge Road and Loch Mhor. However on my arrival there were several no parking signs so I was forced to leave my car on the verge[…]

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Loch Ness-side

Beinn a’Bhathaich: Parked at the side of the B862 on the east side of Loch Ness and at the south end of Loch Ceo Glais and initially climbed steeply through gorse bushes then mixed vegetation avoiding the crags. It was then onto the north-east ridge of the Hump, Beinn a’Bhathaich,[…]

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