Glen Lee, Angus

I had one categorised hill located between Glens Lee and Clova in Angus unclimbed so opted to ascend it from the north combining it with Cairn Lick which I had climbed back in 2005. I set off from the free car park at the head of Glen Esk, reached from[…]

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Graham Tops above Glen Lee

I left my vehicle in the car park near the end of the public road in Glen Esk, accessed along the minor road from the B966 Edzell to Fettercairn Road. I walked west across the bridge over the Water of Mark to the end of the tarred road which was[…]

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Glen Lee

It wasn’t quite 8.30am when I arrived at the head of Glen Esk in Angus to find the area was already fairly busy with vehicles, some belonged to folks preparing to set off, but others to campers at the riverside and elsewhere. However I did manage to find a space[…]

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Glen Lee

Burnt Hill and Cairn Caidloch: With a reasonable weather forecast I headed for Glen Lee in Angus to climb these Graham Tops. I left my vehicle in the car park near the end of the public road in Glen Esk and walked west to the bridge over the Water of[…]

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