Creag na Sroine from Glen Feshie

With a forecast for thundery showers in the afternoon I settled for a short walk in the Glen Feshie area of the Cairngorm National Park. I left my vehicle in the car park in Glen Feshie, north of Auchlean, accessed along a single track road from Feshiebridge on the B970[…]

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West of Glen Feshie

Overnight snow and ice made for a slow drive to the minor road on the west side of Glen Feshie, accessed from the B970 Aviemore to Kingussie Road west of Feshiebridge. North of this road end at Balnascriten I parked at the start of the vehicle track running south-west along[…]

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Glen Feshie

Creag Ghiuthsachan –This Hump was located on the east side of Glen Feshie accessed from the B970 at Feshiebridge. The path shown on my map running south-east from NN848999 didn’t appear to exist due to tree felling so I headed back, north, along the glen to NH852012 where there was[…]

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Glen Feshie

Creag Mhigeachaidh – I left my car in the parking area on the east side of the unclassified Feshiebridge to Achlean Road in Glen Feshie at GR NH852012, where there was space for several vehicles, and walked east on a forest track then a path as it rose through the[…]

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Glen Feshie

I drove south on the minor single track road that headed through Inshraich Forest, accessed from the B970 Inverdruie to Kingussie Road, and parked in an old excavated area on the west side of the road near the end of the public road at the bridge over the Allt Fhearnasdail.[…]

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Corbett Carn Dearg Mor Glen Feshie

I left my car in the car park in Glen Feshie, accessed from the B970 Aviemore to Kingussie Road north of Feshiebridge, and walked to the end of the public road at Auchlean where several cars were lying abandoned. I was surprised the Cairngorm National Park Authorities permitted this! A[…]

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