Three Hills From Glen Buchat

I drove north-west along the single track road in Glen Buchat, accessed off the A944 Alford to Strathdon Road near Glenbuchat Castle, and parked on some rough ground opposite the southern entrance to Glenbuchat Lodge. I crossed the minor road and walked down this driveway where logs were stacked at[…]

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Glen Buchat

I headed for Glen Buchat, north of Strathdon, parking on the north verge just west of the derelict farm buildings at Badenyon then walked to and through this property and onto a vehicle track at the west side of the copse of trees. This took me through a pheasant enclosure[…]

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Glen Buchat

I parked on the south verge of the single track road immediately west of the private road leading to Upperton Farm in Glen Buchat, north-east of Strathdon. I initially walked along the farm road to a gate which gave access to the vehicle track heading north-east through a field of[…]

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Glen Buchat

Millhuie Hill: I left my car on the north verge of the A944 Alford to Strathdon Road at the start of the unclassified road leading to Glen Buchat and briefly walked north-west along the minor road. I then crossed a fence entered a field, containing sheep, and commenced the ascent[…]

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