Lower Deeside

Brackenstake: Parked at the end of the public road in the Forest of Birse, accessed from the B976 Banchory to Aboyne South Deeside Road, and walked along tracks towards Wester Floors. Here I crossed some rather rough ground and a fence to reach the heathery hillside. Ascending this Tump took[…]

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Forest of Birse

The previous day I was walking on the north side of the Forest Birse, accessed from the B976 Banchory to Aboyne South Deeside Road at Finzean, so today it was the turn of the south side. I parked at the edge of the single track road around a kilometre from[…]

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Lamahip and Craig Lash South Top – I headed for the Forest of Birse, accessed off the B976 Banchory to Aboyne South Deeside Road at Finzean, and parked at the side of this single track road just east of the track heading north-east towards Finlets. (GR  NO 554 910) I[…]

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