
I parked on the east side of the B8077 immediately north of the A85 at Drishaig. Despite the temperature being only 3C it was a pleasant morning with some mist hanging around and a few hill tops were in the sun. I crossed the road, passed through a set of[…]

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Prior to heading to my accommodation in Dalmally I drove south-west from this village along the minor road to its end where I left my car. I then made the short climb on a grassy path to the monument marking the summit of the Tump, Dun Athaich. Time taken 30[…]

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Meall nan Gabhar

The Graham, Meall nan Gabhar, is located south-east of Dalmally.  On previous visits to this area I’ve driven from the A85 Tyndrum to Dalmally Road, opposite Corrygoil, south-east up the forest track and parked at the crossroads junction west of Succoth Lodge thus saving a few kilometres of walking. On[…]

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North-West of Dalmally

I parked on an area of rough ground on the south side of the B8077 west of the bridge over the Allt Mhoille, reached from the A85 west of Dalmally, and in the rain set off along the vehicle track towards Castles Farm. Prior to reaching this farm I took[…]

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