Tump, Carn Lethendry from Carrbridge

I parked at the side of the minor road west of the A9 underpass, accessed from the B9153 in Carrbridge. I walked round a locked barrier then along a vehicle track through an area which appeared to have been used for storage but was now empty. Beyond, I joined a[…]

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Carn nan Eagan a Tump North of Carrbridge

The starting point and a large part of this route was the same as that usually taken to ascend the Graham, Carn Glas-choire. I parked off road on the east side of the B9007 Duthill to Ferness Road around a kilometre north of the A938 Carrbridge to Dulnain Bridge Road.[…]

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A Few Hills South of Inverness

Carn nan Grainnseag, Garbh-mheall Mor and Carn Sleamhuinn – From the village of Carrbridge I drove south-west along a minor road to its end at Dalnahaitnach where there was a sandy rocky parking area. I then walked south along a vehicle track through heather and a few pine trees. On[…]

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Heading North

Heading for the North-West Highlands I planned to stop off and climb some hills en-route the first being Carn Sgriob located to the north of the A938 Dulnain Bridge to Carrbridge Road. I drove up the single track road and parked just south of Achnahannet Farm then walked along an[…]

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Carn nan Clacha Garbha – This Tump was located on the west side of the B9007 Forres to Carrbridge Road. I parked at the side of the road at the junction with the unclassified road leading to Lochindorb, crossed the road, climbed through heather and onto its north ridge. The[…]

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Carn Bad nan Luibhean: I parked at the Slochd on the old A9 under the viaduct of the new A9 then walked west to the hostel, (could have parked there) crossed the railway via a bridge and walked along forest tracks to the north and east sides of Carn Bad[…]

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Parked on the east side of the B9007 Carrbridge to Forres Road in the lay-by at Beum a’ Chlaidheimh and walked east on what appeared to be a path but it soon came to an end. We then descended steeply through long heather into a gorge then through more long[…]

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