Tumps Affric and Cannich

Meallan na Ceardaich and Meall Beag – I parked on the verge west of the bridge over the Allt Blar na-Gamha in Glen Affric, (NH277281) accessed from the village of Cannich to the north-east. The start of the path I was intending utilising wasn’t that obvious, it was slightly east[…]

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Graham Top, Carn Cul-Sgor, Cannich

I left my car at the entrance to a vehicle track on the north side of the A831 Beauly Road just east of the village of Cannich and west of the bridge over the Allt Coillte, (NH341320) then walked north-west up this track. However it soon turned west, away from[…]

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Graham Top Beinn a’ Chairein Cannich

I drove north-west up the single track road from the A831 at Cannich and parked at the entrance to the forest track at grid ref. NH325317. I then set off south-west along this forest track, part of the Glen Affric/Kintail Way, to a junction of tracks. Here I decided to[…]

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