Appin Hills

Airds Hill and Airds Hill South-East Top – I drove south on the A828 from Ballacluish to immediately before the Strath of Appin then west along the single track road towards Port Appin parking at the start of the vehicle track at NM931463. I then walked up this track as[…]

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Couples Final Corbett

In June 2011 I attended a couple’s final Munro, Beinn Sgritheal, to the north of the Knoydart Peninsula. Eleven years later, along with a few hill walking friends, I was invited to their final Corbett. We headed for the hamlet of Duror on the A828 Ballachulish to Connel Road and[…]

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Marilyn, Beinn Sgluich, Appin

I was returning home after a week’s walking in Glen Coe / Glen Etive areas but beforehand planned to climb the Marilyn, Beinn Sgluich. I drove south on the A828 Ballachulish to Connel Road and at the entrance to Salachan Glen in Appin left my car.  This was also the[…]

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