Strathgarve and Braemore

Cnoc Achadh nan Cleireach: This Tump was located on the east side of the A835 Garve to Ullapool Road, north of Garve. I left my vehicle in the Black Water Falls Car Park on the west side of A835, crossed the road and an industrial site, to access a vehicle track which after the zigzags headed north-east below Cnoc Achadh nan Cleireach. I later left this track and climbed to the summit of this hill. The return was by the approach route.

Meall Breac and Meall Coire nan Gamha: I left my vehicle in the car park on the A835 Garve to Ullapool Road immediately west of Loch Droma and opposite the property at Lochdrum. I walked across the dam then west along the vehicle track to the Allt a’ Mhadaidh. After crossing the bridge over this stream I left the vehicle track and climbed the Tump, Meall Breac.

From there it was onto the Sub Dodd, Meall Coire nan Gamha East Top before climbing to the summit of the Tump, Meall Coire nan Gamha. I then descended south-east to the vehicle track on the north side of the Allt a’ Mhadaidh and followed it back to the bridge then re-traced the route to Loch Droma.

  • Total time – 4.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 13.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 515 metres.