
Today’s Tump, Green Hill South Top, was located west of Strathdon. I left my vehicle at the start of the vehicle track on the north side of the A944 east of the minor road to Edinglassie and walked along this track through the forest to its north edge. A steep drop led to the outflow from a small reservoir followed by a steep climb of an embankment before the gradient eased as I headed south-west along the edge of an electric fence, old stock fence and new deer fence. Higher up there was a gap in these fences which permitted me access to the heathery summit of Green Hill South Top.

The next hill I climbed was Meikle Charsk Hill, classed a sub Highland Five, and located to the south-west of Strathdon. I parked at the start of the vehicle track east of the minor road leading to Ettenbreck and walked along this track over the shoulder of Gallows Hill and emerging from the trees. At an old metal cabin I left the track and ascended Meikle Charsk Hill via a path onto its north ridge then an ATV track to its high point.

The next hill, Carn a’ Bhacain North-East Top, was also a sub Highland Five. I parked in a lay-by at the high point of the A939 south of Corgarff, went over a fence and descended west to cross an area of wet ground. Another fence was followed to the summit area where I visited a few high points.

The final hill of the day was another sub Highland Five to the east of Strathdon. From the north side of the bridge over the River Don I walked along a vehicle track, went through some brash to cut out a loop and rejoined the track higher up. It was then followed towards Ben Newe before leaving the track to pass through some mature firs to reach a harvested area. More brash was crossed to reach the summit of Hill of Greenstile although the actual high point wasn’t obvious. A slightly easier return route was found avoiding some of the brash.

  • Total time – 5.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 18.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 890 metres.