
I headed to Strathdearn, reached from Tomatin on the old A9 south-east of Inverness, and drove to the end of the public road where there was a large parking area. I then walked towards Coignafearn Old Lodge and on reaching the kennels I located a little used vehicle track that headed north towards Coire an Fhearna.

Start of ascent towards Coire an Fhearna
Start of ascent towards Coire an Fhearna
Caochan Garbh Gorge
Caochan Garbh Gorge

This track then turned east gradually rising below Carn Coire Dhealanaich.

River Findhorn, Strathdearn Coignafeuinternich
River Findhorn, Strathdearn Coignafeuinternich
Coignafearn,, River Findhorn and Strathdearn looking west
Coignafearn,, River Findhorn and Strathdearn looking west

High up the track changed direction and headed west so I left it and climbed through heather, occasionally using animal trails, to reach the cairn marking the summit of the Sub Simm, Carn Coire Dhealanaich East Top. The earlier sun had been replaced by cloud and there was a cold wind.

Herd of deer on the move
Herd of deer on the move
Route to Carn Coire Dhealanaich
Route to Carn Coire Dhealanaich
Glen Mazeran
Glen Mazeran

From this Top I headed west through numerous frozen peat hags to Carn Coire Dhealanaich where a mossy tussock was apparently the highest point of this Graham Top.

If the peat hags hadn’t been frozen I would probably have returned to the strath and walked along the track but instead walked south-west through the numerous peat hags to Creag Irealis.

Looking back to Carn Coire Dhealanaich
Looking back to Carn Coire Dhealanaich

It was then a steep descent into the gorge with Tom Chruidhe.

Looking down on Torr Chruidh. River Findhorn beyond
Looking down on Torr Chruidh. River Findhorn beyond
Across the River Findhorn to Carn Coire Easgrabath
Across the River Findhorn to Carn Coire Easgrabath

A deer path led onto the north-east ridge of this Tump then it was an easy walk through well spaced trees visiting both the tops of Torr Chruidhe.

Route off Creag Irealis
Route off Creag Irealis
Carn Leachtar Dhubh from Torr Chruidh
Carn Leachtar Dhubh from Torr Chruidh

I descended south-west into the gorge containing the Allt Calder but the boulders I would use in the crossing looked rather slippery so I decided against the risk. I therefore regained a bit of height before descending east to the vehicle track in Strathdearn. Once across the bridge over the Allt Calder I walked up the vehicle track on the south side of the stream before leaving the track and following the edge of a deer fence onto the south-east ridge of Carn Leachtar Dubh. Here more frozen peat hags were used to reach the summit of this Graham Top, a knoll.

The descent south-west was through more peat hags before I crossed a stream and climbed to the obvious knoll marking the highpoint of the Sub Simm, Meall an Duibhe.

Route from Carn Leachtar Dhubh
Route from Carn Leachtar Dhubh
Am Bathaich and Allt Fionnach
Am Bathaich and Allt Fionnach

The descent south was through grassy vegetation the gradient later steepening with some boulders to avoid before reaching Coignafearn Lodge. I walked round this property which appeared vacant, to the vehicle track on the south-east side of the house.

Coignafearn Lodge
Coignafearn Lodge
Route off Meall an Duibhe
Route off Meall an Duibhe

It was then a walk of over 4 kilometres back to the car park.

  • Time taken 5.75 hours.
  • Distance – 16.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 720 metres.