
I left my car opposite the property at Balnagordonach, located on the minor road on the east side of Strathdearn and accessed from the old A9 south of Tomatin.  I climbed over the gate in the deer fence as the metal lever to open the gate was frozen as was the case with the second gate a short distance further south-east where the vehicle track emerged from a small area of new forest plantings. I was then onto the open hillside with snow covering the track.

Start of walk
Start of walk

As I progressed along this track the mist engulfed the area and that was the end of any views for a while. I walked along vehicle tracks to below Carn a’ Gharbh-choire then it was through snow covered vegetation to reach the summit of this Tump, which appeared to be a clump of heather beside an old metal fence post.

I descended Carn a’ Gharbh-choire in a south-westerly direction but lower down the vegetation included rushes and juniper bushes making the walking a bit awkward. Beyond this area I commenced the ascent of Carn na Glaic Fhluich initially on a fairly steep gradient but it soon eased as I made my way to the cairn marking the summit of this Tump.

The continuation south-west led to a vehicle track which took me onto the north-west ridge of Carn na Lair and to a small knoll where there were some shooting butts and a new fence. This fence was followed west to the summit of this Tump where there was a cairn close to a radio mast powered by a solar panel.

Fog Bow
Fog Bow
Summit area, Carn na Lair
Summit area, Carn na Lair

I returned down Carn na Lair’s North-West Ridge as the mist began to lift and I could see the final hill of the day, Carn na Loinne.

Mist lifting to reveal Carn na Loinne
Mist lifting to reveal Carn na Loinne

However the underfoot conditions crossing to and climbing this Tump were quite rough and awkward. It was worthwhile though as the sun was out and I now had good views of snow covered hills.

Carn a'Gharbh-choire from Carn na Loinne
Carn a’Gharbh-choire from Carn na Loinne
Carn na Glaic Fhluich from Carn na Loinne
Carn na Glaic Fhluich from Carn na Loinne
Carn na Lair from Carn na Loinne
Carn na Lair from Carn na Loinne
River Findhorn and Tomatin
River Findhorn and Tomatin

From Carn na Loinne I descended north-east, crossed the Allt Phris, and climbed onto the vehicle track which was followed north to the minor road at Press. It was then a short walk back to my car.

  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 10.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 410 metres.