
Carn Bad an Daimh, Carn Leachter Beag and Carn Dubh ic an Deoir – From Tomatin, south of Inverness I drove along the single track unclassified road on the south side of the River Findhorn to south-west of the woods near Clunie where I parked on the verge. I then walked along the mainly tarred road passed Knockandoo Farm to Wester Strathnoon. Once across the bridge here I left the road and followed the estate track up the west side of the Wester Strathnoon Burn.

The track later rose away from the burn before swinging west and coming to an end just below the col between Carn Bad an Daimh and Carn Leachter Beag. An ATV track initially continued onto the Graham Top, Carn Bad an Daimh, but disappeared amongst the vegetation. I then headed onto the obvious high point which consisted of some vegetation.

After a break trying to shelter from the wind I descended to the col with Carn Leachter Beag following a double electric fence. This fence continued to this Graham Top where the summit was again some vegetation.

I followed these fences as they dropped to the col with Carn Dubh ic an Deoir then onto the north-west ridge and to the summit of this Graham Top. The trig point and large cairn were located on the other side of the stock fence and spring gates.

An estate track then descended north-east to a shooter’s hut and loo. Thereafter there was a slight incline in the track as it passed below Carn Ruighe Shamhraich before descending to Wester Strathnoon. I then followed the road back to my car.

Tor Mor – I left my car on the grass at the junction of the old and new A9 south-east of Tomatin and walked north along the old road which was closed to vehicles. I then followed a vehicle track as it backtracked south along the edge of the railway line and led to an underpass and an ATV track which was followed to its end at a communications tower. From there I climbed to the summit of Tor Mor visiting high points on either side of the stock fence before returning by the upward route.

  • Total time – 5.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 21.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 780 metres.