
I left my car beside the locked gate in a deer fence on the north side of Strathconon at Dalnacroich, passed through the pedestrian gate there and walked north-west up a forest track where some of the trees had been harvested as well as areas of new plantings.

Creag Ruah and Meallan nan Uan
Creag Ruah and Meallan nan Uan

Before the track came to an end I took a right and followed another track which later emerged from the trees at a second locked gate. Once over the metal stile to the left I continued along the vehicle track to reach a path going north. (NH302567)

Creag Dhonn
Creag Dhonn
Carn Airigh Cham
Carn Airigh Cham

Here there was a mini power barrow containing some tools and on heading along this wet and boggy path observed the tracks made by the barrow but where and what it was being used for I never discovered. I later left this path and climbed the Tump, Carn Airigh Cham, its summit, marked by an outcrop.

Carn na Cre
Carn na Cre

After a break sheltering from the wind and taking in the views I descended north to the west of Loch an Eilein then it was a rising traverse across dead vegetation before climbing to the cairn marking the summit of the Hump, Carn na Cre.

Lochs an Eilein and Cul. Carn na Cre beyond
Lochs an Eilein and Cul. Carn na Cre beyond
Loch a' Chroisg and the Torridon Mountains
Loch a’ Chroisg and the Torridon Mountains
Beyond Strath Bran Fionn Bheinn and Slioch
Beyond Strath Bran Fionn Bheinn and Slioch
Loch Luichart
Loch Luichart

From there I descended its south-east ridge, crossed the path used earlier, then some boggy ground before commencing the ascent of Meall Bhad Ghaineamhaich through mixed vegetation including more wet ground. A few boulders appeared to mark the highpoint of this Tump.

Lochs an Alltain-bheithe and Bhad Ghaineamhaich and Sgurr Marcasaidh
Lochs an Alltain-bheithe and Bhad Ghaineamhaich and Sgurr Marcasaidh
Meall Bhad Ghaineamhaich and Meall a' Choire Leith
Meall Bhad Ghaineamhaich and Meall a’ Choire Leith
Carn na Cre. Fannaichs beyond
Carn na Cre. Fannaichs beyond
Meall a' Choire Leith. Creag Loch nan Dearcag beyond
Meall a’ Choire Leith. Creag Loch nan Dearcag beyond
Strathconon and the Strathfarrar Munros
Strathconon and the Strathfarrar Munros

I then descended south-east to the col with Meall a’ Choire Leith and climbed this Tump, visiting a couple of knolls, the westerly one with the outcrop appeared highest.

Meall Bhad Ghaineamhaich. Fionn Bheinn beyond
Meall Bhad Ghaineamhaich. Fionn Bheinn beyond
Gleann Marcasaidh
Gleann Marcasaidh
Loch a' Bhealaich and Creag Loch nan Dearcag
Loch a’ Bhealaich and Creag Loch nan Dearcag

Afterwards I descended south-west across pathless terrain to the south of Loch a’ Phuill Dhuibh to reach the edge of the forest beside the locked gate and metal stile. The tracks through the forest were then retraced back to my car.

  • Time taken 5.5 hours.
  • Distance – 12.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 595 metres.