
Creag Iucharaidh and Meall na Faochaig – With a reasonable weather forecast I headed up Strathconon, accessed from Marybank, north-west of Muir of Ord, to just beyond Inverchoran Farm and parked on the verge at a passing place. I then walked a few metres west to the start of a vehicle track while being watched by a stag perched above a rock.

Track and start of walk
Track and start of walk

This track gradually rose in a north-westerly direction above the buildings at Carnoch before heading north then east towards Creag Iucharaidh coming to an end a couple of hundred metres before the summit of this Tump. Nearby there was an aerial with a cable running down to Carnoch.

Inverchoran and Beinn Mheadhoin
Inverchoran and Beinn Mheadhoin
Across Strathconon to Beinn Mheadhoin. Strathfarrar Hills in the distance
Across Strathconon to Beinn Mheadhoin. Strathfarrar Hills in the distance
Loch Beannacharain and Meall Buidhe
Loch Beannacharain and Meall Buidhe
Route to Meall na Faochaig
Route to Meall na Faochaig
Clach Loundrain and Strathconon
Clach Loundrain and Strathconon

I continued to Creag Iucharaidh’s highest point before descending north-west then north climbing through heather to reach the summit of the Graham, Meall na Faochaig. Here there were good views of snow capped mountains.

Creag Ruadh
Creag Ruadh
Beinn Mheadhoin and Strathfarrar Munros
Beinn Mheadhoin and Strathfarrar Munros
Looking west up Strathconon to Maoile Lunndaidh
Looking west up Strathconon to Maoile Lunndaidh
Cnap na Feola and the Wester Ross Hills beyond
Cnap na Feola and the Wester Ross Hills beyond
Across Gleann Meinich to Creag Ghlas
Across Gleann Meinich to Creag Ghlas

After spending time at the summit I descended south to reach the track used earlier that morning and followed it back to the start.

Clach LoundrainOn returning to my vehicle I drove a couple of kilometres north-east of Inverchoran Farm and parked at the side of the road to the south-west of Clach Loundrain. I then made the short ascent of this Tump before returning to the start by the upward route.

Inverchoran, Bac an Eich, Meall Buidhe and Creag Iucharaidh
Inverchoran, Bac an Eich, Meall Buidhe and Creag Iucharaidh
Meall na Faochaig
Meall na Faochaig
Looking east down Strathconon
Looking east down Strathconon

Scatwell Hill – I then drove to the east end of the Strath and to the minor road west of the River Conon and parked near the Luichart Power Station. I climbed through the well spaced trees to the summit of this Tump then returned by the ascent route.

Torr an Lair – Parked at the side of the minor road on the north side of the River Conon east of Comrie and crossed some boggy ground into an enclosure and to the summit of this Tump. The return was by the approach route.

  • Total time taken – 4.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 10 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 785 metres.