
With permission I parked on an area of waste ground west of Strathconon Hall and before a new large house then walked along a vehicle track that skirted this property. I entered Factors Wood where I crossed the Allt Mor. The track wound its way through the trees emerging onto the open hillside and came to an end beside the Allt a’ Choire Dhuibh.

Creag Dhonn
Creag Dhonn

It was replaced by an ATV track which I used to gain a bit more height before leaving it and climbing through some rough vegetation to the 454 knoll then onto Creag Dhonn. From there I descended NNW, crossed an ATV track and ascended the Tump, Carn Garbh, where I visited a few points as I couldn’t tell which was the highest.

Sgurr a' Mhuilinn and Sgurr a' Choire-rainich
Sgurr a’ Mhuilinn and Sgurr a’ Choire-rainich

I thereafter descended north-east, crossed a vehicle track and ascended the Tump, Carn Cruinn, visiting both tops as again I couldn’t tell which was the highest.

Fionn Bheinn
Fionn Bheinn
Across Strath Bran to The Fannichs
Across Strath Bran to The Fannichs
Ben Wyvis
Ben Wyvis

After a break here I returned to the vehicle track and followed it south-east to and through the forest where most of the trees had been felled. I later left this forest track opting for another one which appeared to head in the direction where I had left my car. However the track soon came to an end so I crossed brash, went through some trees, then over a deer fence. The fence was followed to the point where I emerged from Factors Wood and I returned to my car.

  • Time taken = 5.5 hours.
  • Distance – 11.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 605 metres.