
The first hill of the day was Ordiesnaught located south-east of Huntly. I parked on an old section of the A96, crossed the road and a couple of fields to reach an area of rough pasture and gorse bushes where the summit of this Tump was located.

Slightly closer to Huntly was Cairn Hill. I left my car in a lay-by, crossed a barbed wire fence, an electric fence and a grassy field. At the top end there were four fences to cross, two being electric ones, before entering another grassy field and heading to the summit of this Tump.

North-west of Huntly was the Tump, Cuternach, which I planned to ascend from the Falconry Centre to the east. I managed to park on an old track to the north of the Centre then walked along this track and up the side of the forest through rough vegetation. Higher up a fence was followed through a wide gap in the trees before I left this fence and visited a couple of points within the forest which were contenders for the summit. I returned down the side of an old stone dyke before re-joining the upward route.

To the west of Huntly and south of the A920 was Brown Hill. I left my car at the start of the forest track to the north and walked south-west then south along it. I later left this track, crossed some brash where the trees had been harvested and onto a rough track. More brash was crossed as well as some windblown trees before I entered an area of mature firs to reach the summit of this Tump.

Further west and on the north side of the A920 road were the Tumps, Both Hill and Norry Hill. I parked in a lay-by, crossed a couple of gates and some wet ground into an area of gorse bushes. Once I had worked my way round them I crossed a fence and ascended through heather to the summit of Both Hill.

I then descended north-west through heather, a barbed wire fence and an area where the tress had been harvested. This led to a vehicle track which had recently been upgraded and I followed it west then north to its high point. Here I left it entered a field keeping to its edge to reach a fence post which appeared to be the summit of Norry Hill.

I returned to the vehicle track and followed it south then a muddy farm track round the west side of Both Hill before crossing a couple of fields to reach the lay-by.

  • Total time – 4 hours.
  • Total distance 14.75 kilometres.
  • Total distance climbed – 595 metres.