Strath Spey

Scoot More – The starting point for this Tump was the forest track on the west side of the B9102 Grantown on Spey to Knockando Road just north of its junction with the B9138 Marypark Road. I walked south-west along this track gradually gaining height to a junction of tracks then followed the one that doubled back through the wood.

I later left this track and climbed through the mature trees then higher up progress was restricted as the younger trees here had been planted closer together meaning I had to push my way through the branches. Underfoot wasn’t ideal either with several hollows.

Eventually I reached the summit of Scoot More, the highpoint being within the younger trees. I then attempted to find an easier descent route slightly further north but without success. Once back on the forest tracks I followed them and returned to the start.

Hill of Dalnapot – I parked at the side of the B9102 Grantown on Spey to Knockando Road to the south-west of this Tump and initially walked west along the road to avoid the stock and deer fences enclosing part of the hillside. On leaving the road it was a steep climb north through the well spaced trees to beyond the top end of the deer fence. Here I crossed a stock fence and climbed through brash and the tress that had been thinned out, occasionally using harvesting vehicle tracks, and crossing a vehicle track. The summit area had been cleared of trees so pinpointing the actual highpoint wasn’t possible with the detritus lying around. I then returned by the ascent route.

Tom na Laimh – After Hill of Dalnapot I drove south-west along the B9102 Grantown on Spey to Knockando Road to a vehicle track to the north-west of this Tump, parking at the side of the road. I crossed a wooden gate (I didn’t notice the fence at the side was lower) and walked south along this track before leaving it and climbing through heather, birch and rowan trees, crossing the vehicle track as it double back. The ascent continued through the trees and led to the summit cairn located amongst the heather. I then reversed the route.

  • Total time taken – 2.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 6 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 365 metres.