Strath Rannoch

We parked near the start of the vehicle track in Strath Rannoch, accessed from the A835 Garve to Braemore Junction Road, near Inchbae Lodge, where there was space for around three vehicles. We then walked up this vehicle track, which appeared little used these days, through the forest in Strath Rannoch and to a gate in a deer fence. Beyond the track continued across open moorland where cattle and sheep grazed but they were all some distance away.

On reaching the farm at Strathrannoch, which looked unoccupied, we followed the vehicle track north-east up the side of the Allt a’ Choire-rainich. The path wasn’t always obvious as it undulated and crossed boggy ground. We later parted company, my walking companion went off to climb the Graham, Carn Loch nan Amhaichean, while I continued further upstream. I later left the burn and climbed through some rough and in places wet ground towards the small lochan to the south-west of Clach Sgoilte.

I walked round the north side of the lochan then worked my way through numerous peat hags and areas of bog to reach the summit of Clach Sgoilte. The highest point of this Tump appeared to be an erratic.

The descent west took me through more bog and peat hags to reach the col with Carn nan Aighean East Top. There were fewer peat hags on the ascent of this uncategorised hill and its highest point wasn’t obvious. I then descended the south-west ridge crossing more peat hags to return to the Allt a’ Choire-rainich where the outward route was followed back to the start.

  • Time taken – 5.75 hours.
  • Distance 21 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 565 metres.