Strath Nairn

Dundavie: Parked at the start of the forest track just west of Daviot on the A9 south of Inverness and walked up this track to its highest point. I then left the track and made the short climb to the fence at the edge of a quarry. On crossing this fence I walked for a few metres along what was probably a man made highpoint before returning to the start by the upward route.

Creag Shoilleir and Creag a’Chlachain: These two hills were located on the west side of Strath Nairn and accessed via an unclassified road from near Farr. I parked at the entrance to the forest track on the east side of the minor road which ran between the two hills and walked along the track as it headed round the north and east sides of Creag Shoilleir. It was then a short stroll through a few trees to open ground and the highpoint of this Tump.

I returned to my car, crossed the road and went under a fence before walking through some trees to an unmapped vehicle track which appeared to lead to a wooden building and a couple of old caravans. Once across this track I continued through the trees and onto the open hillside. The walking was a bit tough through the long heather to reach the cairn and further on the trig point marking the summit of the Hump, Creag a’ Chlachain. The descent was by the ascent route although on reaching the vehicle track I used it to return to the minor road and my car.

Creag Bhuidhe: Parked on the verge of the unclassified road on the west side of Strath Nairn, north of Brin and just south of a cattle grid then walked briefly north to a gate in a stock fence. Once over this gate the going was initially okay then became very rough with deep heather and some boulders as I stayed just north then west of the fence. I later crossed this fence and headed through more long heather to a medium sized cairn. This wasn’t the summit of the Tump, it was around 170 metres further on marked by three stones on top of a boulder. I returned to the cairn then descended more directly to the road reaching it just south of where I left my car.

 Creagan an Tuirc: Parked at the side of the B851 in Starth Nairn immediately below this Tump then climbed directly to its summit returning by the upward route.

Carn Mor: Parked on a tarred area at the side of the B851 in Strath Nairn, south-west of Tomintoul, and crossed a deer fence and climbed through heather to the North Top then to the summit of the Tump, Carn Mor. Returned by the upward route although no requirement to cross the deer fence as it came to an end west of where I parked.

  • Total time – 4.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 12.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 690 metres.