Strath Nairn

I parked my car on the verge on the unclassified road south of Tullich and east of Loch Ruthven in Strath Nairn and walked up the public road to the houses at Tullich. Here a vehicle track heading north led to a stock gate and beyond it I followed a vehicle track going east then later north-east, gaining a bit of height.

I passed through a fence and continued north-east across fairly rough vegetation and onto the south-west ridge of Creag Dubh. There were then a few knolls to cross before reaching the summit of this Tump where I visited both high points.

The descent south took me through rocks and crags, although I avoided most of them, to reach the col with Brin Rock. From there I climbed across rough ground and ascended this Tump. From its summit the descent west was through long heather and rough vegetation to reach the fence mentioned above. I then retraced the outward route back to my car.

  • Time taken – 3 hours.
  • Distance – 7.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 335 metres.