Strath More

Brown Caterthun and Hill of Lundie –These two Tumps are located north-west of Brechin and were accessed from the car park at the high point on the unclassified road that ran between White Caterthun and Brown Caterthun. I passed through a small gate and climbed north-east along a path to the summit of Brown Caterthun, the highest point being close to the path.

I then descended north-east on a path that gradually became less obvious and on approaching a pond I walked round its north side then crossed a field onto a vehicle track which was followed north-east then south-east. A barbed wire fence was crossed to enter a grassy field where the summit of Hill of Lundie was located. The return was by the approach route.

Berry Cairn and Peat Hill – These two Tumps were also located north-west of Brechin and west of the hamlet of Bridgend. I parked on the south verge of the single track road just east of Tillybirnie Cottage and walked west passed the cottage and along a vehicle track. I later left it, entered a grassy field and followed a vehicle track which gradually disappeared. Later I went over a stock gate and crossed some heathery ground to reach another vehicle track and to the summit of Berry Cairn which was apparently ground on this track.

I returned along this track to the col with Peat Hill then onto the summit of this Tump which was ground on the track beside the trig point.  It was then back to the col with Berry Cairn before descending south-east to the field then I followed the outward route to the start.

Drumcuthlaw – Located west of Brechin I parked at the side of the unclassified road west of Fern then walked around 60 metres to an area beside a tree stump which appeared to be the highest point of this Tump.

Pinderachy South Top and Deuchar Hill – West of Brechin these hills were accessed from the unclassified road west of Auchnacree where I left my vehicle on an area of rough ground adjacent to a passing place. I walked along a couple of vehicle tracks which led to a forest. I climbed along the edge of the wood through some long heather and to the obvious high point of the Tump, Pinderachy South Top. The return was via a vehicle track which I wasn’t aware of and led to the track used at the start of this ascent.

On returning to my car I walked briefly east then entered the forest via a gate. Here a track led south to a compound where game birds were raised so I walked round this area before dropping steeply to a vehicle track. I crossed this track and commenced the ascent of Deuchar Hill across a mixture heather and grass but higher up it was mainly just rough grass. The summit of this Hump was marked by a couple of boulders. I then returned to the start but rather than entering the forest I walked round its west side which was latterly quite steep but it took me directly back to my car.

  • Total time – 4 hours.
  • Total distance – 15.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 835 metres.