Strath Glass

I parked at the start of the little used track on the east side of Strath Glass, north-east of Cannich, and south of Easter Crochail and walked up this track passing through a couple of gates in deer fences, the first was past its best while the second one was locked. I then continued south along the track before it zigzagged east up the north side of the Allt a’ Chrais.

At a junction of tracks I took a left and this led to an unlocked gate in a deer fence and to the open hillside.

Hills to west of Strath Glass at sunrise
Hills to west of Strath Glass at sunrise
Moon about to disappear
Moon about to disappear
Strath Glass
Strath Glass

The track later entered a wood north of Cnoc Charaidh and led to an upgraded vehicle track used for the construction of electric pylons. This track was followed south out of the woods and to the west side of Cnoc Charaidh and here I left the track and made the short climb to the summit of this Tump.

Loch Carn nam Badan
Loch Carn nam Badan
Meall Cluainidh
Meall Cluainidh
Carn Gorm
Carn Gorm

I returned to the upgraded track and continued south round the east side of Loch Carn nam Badan and to the north of a small forestry plantation. From here I climbed west onto the Tump, Meall Cluainidh.

Loch Carn nam Badan and Cnoc Charaidh
Loch Carn nam Badan and Cnoc Charaidh
Carn nam Bad
Carn nam Bad
Strath Glass. Affric Hills beyond
Strath Glass. Affric Hills beyond
Cannich Hills in the distance
Cannich Hills in the distance
Creag an Sgoir
Creag an Sgoir

The descent was back to the vehicle track re-joining it further south before passing through a gate in a deer fence and entering another forest. At a junction of tracks I headed west continuing my descent before leaving this track, walking through the trees, including some windblown timber, crossing another track and a deer fence to reach open ground. I then climbed through some rough vegetation to reach the summit of the Tump, Torr a’ Chleibh.

I thereafter returned to the deer fence and followed it across a vehicle track to one that led me back to the junction of tracks beside the Allt a’ Chrais and the descent to the start.

  • Time taken – 3.75 hours.
  • Distance – 10.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 535 metres.