Strath Dearn

Carn na Seanalaich, Beinn Bhreac and Carn Choire Odhair: Parked in Strathdearn, east of Auchintoul, accessed from Tomatin south of Inverness, and walked along the minor road to the vehicle track heading north-west. This track led passed a construction site before continuing through the trees later emerging at a gate onto the open hillside. After gaining height the track gradually turned north then north-east and onto the Tump, Carn na Seanalaich, where I visited the summit.

I returned to the track then walked along one not marked on my map towards the Tump, Beinn Bhreac. On reaching a fence I followed it to the summit of this hill. I thereafter continued out to Carn Choire Odhair which involved crossing some peat hags to reach this Tump.

The return was by the upward route although I by-passed the summit of Carn na Seanalaich.

Carn Eitidh: This Tump was located on the east side of the narrow single track road that ran between Strath Dearn and Strath Nairn west of Tomatin. I left my car at the side of the road and walked through long heather to the summit of Carn Eitidh which appeared to be marked by a pylon. The return was by the approach route.

Carn Glac an Eich: After my return from Carn Eitidh I drove further north on the minor road parking to the east of the Graham Top, Carn Glac an Eich. I walked across some heathery ground to the cairn shown on my map then to the trig point and summit. The return was by the ascent route.

  • Total time – 6 hours.
  • Total distance – 17.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 670 metres.