
White Hill: This Tump was located north of Stonehaven. I parked at the side of the unclassified road to the west of White Hill, crossed a gate then walked over rough moorland to the summit although the highest point wasn’t obvious. The return was by the upward route.

Hill of Megray: I initially attempted an ascent of this Tump from Forster’s Croft on the B979 just north of Stonehaven but was unable access the hill due to the new bypass, which was almost complete. I then parked near the new roundabout at the start of the bypass, crossed a couple of stubble fields to reach the summit which appeared to be close to the south-west corner of another stubble field. The return was by the upward route.

Law of Lumgair: I parked beside Chapelton Farm, on an unclassified road south of Stonehaven, crossed a stubble field then a barbed wire fence to enter a small wood. The highest point of this Tump was beside a concrete chamber. The return was by the upward route.

Bruxie Hill: Located to the south-west of Stonehaven there appeared to be no restriction to driving up the tarred road from Ferniebrae Farm, on the unclassified road to the north-east, as far as the communications towers. From there it was only a few metres walk to the trig point marking the summit of this Tump.

  • Total time – 1 hour.
  • Total distance – 4 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 140 metres.