
Carn Bad nan Luibhean: I parked at the Slochd on the old A9 under the viaduct of the new A9 then walked west to the hostel, (could have parked there) crossed the railway via a bridge and walked along forest tracks to the north and east sides of Carn Bad nan Luibhean. I later left them and headed across long heather and rough ground to a small cairn which was probably the summit of this Hump. Nearby there was a communications tower and from there a vehicle track took me back to the forest track and I returned by the approach route.

Tom Mor: I parked on the A938 (old A9) west of Carrbridge at the start of the forest track leading to the Baddengorm Woods and walked along this track to a junction where I took a right. After a while the condition of this track deteriorated and ended in an area where the trees had been harvested.

I crossed sections of wet and mossy ground and areas of mature trees until I came across another area where the trees had been felled. At this point I was going to give up but spotted a gate so crossed the brash to reach it and discovered there were no tracks in the vicinity. I climbed through the well spaced trees to the cairn marking the summit of this Tump. I also visited an area to the north which may have been as high.

On returning to the gate I worked my way through the brash following some forest vehicle tracks and crossing some rough ground to reach the forest track through Baddengorm Woods which took me back to the start.

  • Total time – 3.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 11.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 265 metres.