Sgurr Mhic Choinnich and the Inaccessible Pinnacle

We parked opposite the Memorial Hut in Glen Brittle on the Isle of Skye, accessed from the B8009 south-east of Carbost, where we met our guide George Yeomans. From there we walked along the path towards, then into Coire Lagan and to Loch Coire Lagan. Beyond we commenced the ascent of the An Stac Screes keeping to the left hand side.

On reaching the Bealach Coire Lagan we left our sacks here and made a slight descent south-east before commencing the ascent of Sgurr Mhic Choinnich which was in the cloud. Once at the cairn marking the summit of this Munro we retraced our route back to Bealach Coire Lagan.

From there it was an awkward ascent on the south-west side of An Stac across wet rock, loose stones and boulders to reach the foot of the East Ridge of the Inaccessible Pinnacle. Once roped up the other male in the group climbed on his own while I took up the rear paired with the remaining group member. On reaching the summit of this Munro we abseiled off and headed over to Sgurr Dearg.

On retrieving our sacks from the foot of the Inaccessible Pinnacle we descended south-west then west off Sgurr Dearg to the Allt Coire na Bannachdich and the path back to the Memorial Hut.

  • Time taken – 9.75 hours.
  • Distance – 9.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1115 metres.