Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor

I parked on the verge of the A861Lochailort to Salen Road just east of Roshven Farm and walked up a fairly steep vehicle track on the west side of the Irine Burn.

Start of walk, track to Hydro Dam
Start of walk, track to Hydro Dam

Just prior to a hydro electric dam, a little used path continued through the trees as the route along the edge of the burn was impassable as it ran through a rocky gully.

Dam, Irine Burn
Dam, Irine Burn

I had planned to climb Rois-Bheinn but it wasn’t possible to cross the burn so I continued south up the glen and in the wrong direction for an ascent of this Corbett.

View back down glen to Loch Ailort. Ardnish beyond
View back down glen to Loch Ailort. Ardnish beyond
Rois-Bheinn West Top
Rois-Bheinn West Top

After around two kilometres I managed to cross the Irine Burn then walked north-east onto Leac nam Fuaran. On reaching this ridge it was obvious that a fair loss of height would be required to cross the Allt a’ Ghilinne Dhuibh to gain Rois-Bheinn’s West Ridge so I decided instead just to climb Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor.

I made reasonable progress up its north-west ridge then higher up there was a bit more rock to work round.

Sound of Arisaig, Isles of Eigg and Rum
Sound of Arisaig, Isles of Eigg and Rum
Sound of Arisaig, Loch Ailort and Loch nan Uamh
Sound of Arisaig, Loch Ailort and Loch nan Uamh

From the cairn marking the summit of this Hump and Graham Top I had good views out west including the Isles of Eigg and Rum but the hills to the north and east were covered in cloud.

Loch Moidart and Ardnamurchan
Loch Moidart and Ardnamurchan
Sgurr Dhomhuill Beag
Sgurr Dhomhuill Beag

After a break here I decided to pop out to Sgurr Dhomhuill Beag. The descent from Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor was through some boulders then from the col it was an easy ascent to the summit of this Sub Simm. There were good views across Glen Moidart to the Grahams, Beinn Gair and Croit Bheinn, which I had climbed a couple of days earlier.

Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor from Sgurr Dhomhuill Beag
Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor from Sgurr Dhomhuill Beag
Rois-Bheinn summit in cloud
Rois-Bheinn summit in cloud
Sgurr na Ba Glaise summit in cloud
Sgurr na Ba Glaise summit in cloud
Glen Moidart, Beinn Gaire and Croit Bheinn
Glen Moidart, Beinn Gaire and Croit Bheinn
Across Glen Moidart to Beinn Gaire and Glen Forslan
Across Glen Moidart to Beinn Gaire and Glen Forslan
Glen Moidart and Creag nan Lochan. Beinn Resipol beyond
Glen Moidart and Creag nan Lochan. Beinn Resipol beyond
Loch nam Paitean. Lochs Shiel and Sunart beyond
Loch nam Paitean. Lochs Shiel and Sunart beyond

I returned to Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor and descended its north-west ridge, lower down spotting some cattle in Gleann Dubh, so to avoid them I descended more directly to Allt a’ Ghilinne Dhuibh.

Route off Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor
Route off Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor

Once over this stream it was rough going through vegetation and some boulders. Cow trails were followed over the shoulder of Rois-Bheinn’s West Ridge onto an ATV track which was in poor condition but led to gates almost opposite where I had left my car.

Loch Ailort and the South Morar Hills
Loch Ailort and the South Morar Hills
Roshven and Loch Ailort
Roshven and Loch Ailort
  • Time taken – 5 hours.
  • Distance – 9.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 830 metres.