Sgurr a’ Chaorainn and Beinn na h-Uamha

I left my car in the car park at Ariundle, north of the village of Strontian in Sunart, then, accompanied by three friends, set off along the vehicle track through Ariundle Oakwoods.

Start of walk through Ariundle Woodlands
Start of walk through Ariundle Woodlands

Around 45 minutes later we reached a double set of gates, the first being a deer gate while the other was a locked stock gate with a side gate for walkers.

Beyond these gates the track split. We took the left fork and the now path became rather eroded and led to a small gate and footbridge, both in poor condition. Here we emerged from the forest then continued along the path to old lead mines where we crossed some stony ground. A rough path, also used by animals, led to the crossing of the Allt Feith Dhomhnuill. The path up the east side of this stream soon disappeared amongst the vegetation.

Druim Leac a' Sgiathain Ridge, Sgurr na h-Ighinn and Sgurr a' Chaorainn
Druim Leac a’ Sgiathain Ridge, Sgurr na h-Ighinn and Sgurr a’ Chaorainn

From here we climbed onto the undulating Druim Leac a’ Sgiathain Ridge.

Glen of the Strontian River. Loch Sunart beyond
Glen of the Strontian River. Loch Sunart beyond
Route from Lead Mines. Beinn Resipol in the distance
Route from Lead Mines. Beinn Resipol in the distance
Meall Lochan Mhic Gille Dhuibh
Meall Lochan Mhic Gille Dhuibh

Beyond the small lochan we worked our way below the rocks and crags on the south side of Sgurr na h-Ighinn to reach Bealach Mam a’ Bhearna. We then ascended the Graham, Sgurr a’ Chaorainn, the highest point being a boulder one metre south-west of the cairn.

My walking companions returned to Ariundle while I descended north-east to the col with Beinn na h-Uamha then climbed this Corbett, the highest point marked by a cairn.

Sgurr na h-Ighinn and Sgurr Dhomhnuill
Sgurr na h-Ighinn and Sgurr Dhomhnuill
Sgurr Dhomhnuill and Carn na Nathrach
Sgurr Dhomhnuill and Carn na Nathrach
Druim Leathad nam Fias, Glen Scaddle with Ben Nevis in the distance
Druim Leathad nam Fias, Glen Scaddle with Ben Nevis in the distance
Sgorr Mhic Eacharna. Loch Linnhe beyond
Sgorr Mhic Eacharna. Loch Linnhe beyond
Beinn Bhreac and Garbh Bheinn
Beinn Bhreac and Garbh Bheinn

I thereafter returned to the col with Sgurr a’ Chaorainn, climbed part way up this hill, then worked my way south-west below Sgurr a’ Chaorainn gaining a bit more height.

Sgurr na Laire. Garbh Beinn to the right
Sgurr na Laire. Garbh Beinn to the right

Thereafter I descended to the col with Sgurr na Laire followed by a short climb to the cairn marking the summit of this Graham Top.

Beinn na h-Uamha
Beinn na h-Uamha
Glen Gour to Loch Linnhe and Loch Leven
Glen Gour to Loch Linnhe and Loch Leven
Sgurr nan Cnamh
Sgurr nan Cnamh
Sgurr a' Chaorainn
Sgurr a’ Chaorainn

I returned to the col then worked my way north-west, gaining a bit of height, to reach the obvious gully. I descended steeply to the south of this gully encountering a few awkward moves but eventually I reached a rough path on the north side of the Strontian River. This path was rather intermittent as there were lots of bog but would have been worse if it hadn’t been for the recent dry spell of weather.

Eventually I reached the ruin at Ceann a’ Chreagain then followed the track to and through Ariundle Oakwoods to re-join my friends at the Ariundle Centre. They only arrived there around 45 minutes before me as they had taken a few breaks.

  • Time taken – 8.5 hours.
  • Distance – 23.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1345 metres.